Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welcome to the Real World...

Hello world! How have you been?

Me.. well Ive been busy. Plymouth gave us 6 weeks off from school, classes just started on the 30th. Its really weird seeing as everyone from bpc already started weeks ago. Its didnt take long for everyone to pile the work on. Now seeing as these are undergraduate classes one would expect extra work for the grad students taking them, right, right. Well by extra work they mean extra papers, not just presentations. I will be living in the library or glued to my computer for the rest of the semester. I must start making note cards now. First thing Dr. Coker said was this class isnt hard... its damn hard. And she is right, she is like bacon on crack. She talks faster and doesnt stop for breathers. Oh and her books cost a fortune! I need to do some research. 

In my nutrition class we are focusing on nutrition...shocker, and dieting. This actually looks like it could be fun. The program we are using actually seems fun and easy to use. It lets you enter in what you eat. Like cereal, but it will actually recognize what type of cereal, like honey combs. We have to incorperate everything... even the sugar in our coffee. I think CC is really going to like this program, along with her new determination/fascination with going to the gym. Still working on that one. Makes me miss the days when i was working out everyday, I think. 

In other news... CC and I are going to North Carolina in like two weeks. Im super pumped! We are leaving after she works on the 15th and I go to class. Then coming back on the 19th. But shhhh dont tell. Its a surprise for her besties. Oh wait she already told them! 

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