Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tough Shit!

Linking up with Good Mama. Bad Mouth and tough shit tuesday by posting my tough shits for the week. I guess shit happens and as my girl will tell you "No you don't always get what you want." So its not about me, its not tuesday, and I dont have a drink... tough shit

So its actually Wednesday....TOUGH SHIT!

I wanted to move into grad school after talking to my roommate but she has fallen off the face of the earth therefore its a ducky shower curtain for her...tough shit. Oh and whatever room is bigger is mine bitch. 

My parents are coming this weekend. Id like to tell them Tough Shit i'm gay but that wont happen so its back in the closet for this lesbian. 

I havent had a margarita all fucking summer... tough shit for me and my bartender. 

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